With three different memberships to choose from, The Locker Room offers a unique blend of sports and business networking, making it an ideal choice for those seeking to expand their professional connections and host clients. The shared passion for cricket serves as a natural icebreaker, facilitating conversations and connections among like-minded individuals, making it a truly valuable investment for any business.
2024/25 Locker Room events for all members include:
- Coaches Breakfast – October
- Day of Domestic Cricket – November
- Christmas Lunch – December
- BBQ, Beers & Backyard Cricket – February
- CCA / Locker Room Quiz Night – May
- Networking lunch – June
As well as the above benefits, our Black and Black+ Memberships include a range of additional benefits to maximise and enhance your networking opportunities.
To learn more about The Locker Room have a look at the videos at the bottom of this page and then contact Simon Carter for a coffee and a chat.
E: scarter@canterburycricket.org.nz
M: 021 892 098
2024/25 Members
Need more exposure?
Details of Official Partnership packages are available on request.
For more information or to join please get in touch:
Email Simon Carter: scarter@canterburycricket.org.nz