Having a presence within the Canterbury community is extremely important to the association and our players always enjoy these opportunities. We make every effort to support as many requests as possible which the team try to accommodate within the constraints of training, travel, playing schedule, commercial requirements, and other commitments (please note player request numbers are limited by the New Zealand Cricket Players Association).
In order to be eligible for an appearance, a Player Appearance Request form (bottom of this page) needs to be completed and submitted to Canterbury Cricket.
Player appearance request criteria
For a request to be considered, it must meet the following criteria:
• Show a clearly defined role for the player(s) at the event
• Have an appointed person leading the event – players are not expected to lead/run events
• An appearance must not exceed three hours, excluding travel time
• Activities with the risk of injury will not be considered
• Any photos or material from an appearance are made available to CCA for promotional use
• Any photos or material from an appearance must not be used for commercial purposes – promotional use is fine
Submitting a request
Please note, player appearance requests must be received by CCA at least two weeks prior to the event.
All player appearance requests must follow the below process to be considered:
1. Complete the CCA Player Appearance Request online form (below)
2. Once submitted, you will receive notification that it has been received
3. CCA will then contact you regarding the outcome of the request
CCA will do our best to accommodate requests, however, please note that by meeting all of the criteria and submitting the form this does not guarantee a request will be approved.
If a request is approved, following the event CCA may ask for material and/or photos from the appearance featuring our players in the community. These photos and/or material may be used on CCA’s website, publication pieces or in match day promotions.
If you have any feedback after the event (positive or negative) feel free to speak to the contact below.
Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact:
Sophia Gottlieb
Player appearance request form