13 March 2020


Job Title?

Participation Activator

What is your role here at Canterbury cricket?

Our role is to increase children’s overall participation in cricket and more generally sport by sparking an interest through activation sessions. We give them a positive and enjoyable experience at their school or an event and hope that they will pursue further cricket opportunities.

How long have you been working at Canterbury Cricket?

Started on 30th October

Best part of your job?

Getting to meet lots of kids and helping them be active and enjoy sport

Describe your job in three words?

Energetic, fun, active

Favourite athlete?

Carli Lloyd

How do you relax outside of work?

Spending time with family, mountain biking, football

Random fact about you?

I played football at Southeastern Louisiana University in America

Favourite place to travel?

Fiji or Rarotonga, but would love to travel around Europe one day

Best thing about working at Canterbury Cricket?

The people! And learning about how a new sport works